Holly Tucker, Co-founder Not On The High Street +  MAD//Picnic keynote

MAD//Picnic is all about getting stuck in, hearing from people who have dared to do things differently and discovering innovative marketing ideas - so it’s very cool that Not On The High Street and Holly & Co Founder Holly Tucker MBE will be sharing her vision for the future of brands in a keynote on 10 July.

Holly, who founded Not On The High Street alongside Sophie Cornish in 2006, believes tomorrow’s successful brands will be the ones that master the art of immersive experiences and catching emerging trends at the right time - something she is also looking to achieve with her latest venture, Holly & Co.

“I am a futurist. I live in the future. I really care about how things are done, I don’t accept no for an answer, I am absolutely never satisfied, and I try never to look back,” says Holly.

Not On The High Street was a trailblazer in facilitating people to shop for unique products from thousands of artisan sellers.

Take shopping for a wedding anniversary present. Depending on whether it’s your paper, wood or gold anniversary, the platform makes it easy to discover a range of boutique gift ideas made from relevant materials.

Not On The High Street's marketing, brand and retail experience reflects the idea that it’s easy to be thoughtful (even for those with a track-record of epic fail present choices!)

Not On High Street brand challenge: How can new tech enable us to tell better stories?

As you may know by now, MAD//Picnic isn’t an event where you plonk yourself down in a dark theatre, try to ingest as much information as possible and then leave before realising that you’ve left your notebook under your seat.

As well as discovering Holly’s inspiring kitchen-table-to-online-retail-empire keynote, you can also participate in a live brand challenge where we’ll be asking attendees to roll up their sleeves and help Not On The High Street tell more engaging, cost-effective stories at scale on behalf of the 5,000 creative businesses on the platform.

Not On The High Street is particularly interested in the potential of new channels, platforms and technology and making stories more relevant through personalisation. The challenge will be led by Penny Parnell, Not On The High Street’s Leader of All Things Creative.

You'll shortly be able to submit your idea for the challenge. Five people will be selected by Not On The High Street to present their ideas to a live audience at MAD//Picnic on 10 July.

Look out for further details of this brand challenge plus others from Diageo, Schuh and Missguided shortly.

Click here to find out how you can attend MAD//Picnic.