Lucky Saint's Category and Insights Director, Lou Pollett, believes that visibility is a major challenge for them, and other alcohol free only brands.

Speaking at MAD//Fest London as part MAD//Fest’s ‘MAD//Fest Moments series’ in partnership withTHE FIFTH, Pollett said that whilst alcohol free is a really growing area and moderation is becoming mainstream with three and four consumers actively choosing to moderate their drinking, that "getting on the bar for that quality experience of having a pint in the same way you would apply to full strength lager is essential... Getting alcohol free beer onto more taps is really critical for us."

She added, "there's a real commercial benefit for the on-trade to do this and at the moment a lot of people are making decisions on more of an emotional level, getting them to engage with the product, trial and taste."

Whilst there was the 'visibility challenge', Pollett was upbeat and believes that Lucky Saint has the advantage of "being a true and authentic" brand and it has "got a really clear advantage of being dedicated alcohol free brand to help us get behind our story."

Watch her full, short interview here

‘MAD//Fest Moments’ is a series, in partnership with THE FIFTH in which prominent industry leaders share emerging trends, challenges and opportunities. We’ll be covering these interviews over the rest of the year in MAD//Insight.