Retail media networks (RMNs) are changing the game. They’ve burst onto the scene, and everyone’s looking to see how they can get ahead. But in his first column for MAD//Insight, Dean Harris, Head of Co-op Media Network, says  this isn’t just about jumping on the latest trend. It’s about knowing the playbook and making the right moves. 

The New Playbook: What RMNs Bring to the Table 

Retailers have always had one big advantage: data. Now, with RMNs, we’re turning that data into something even more powerful. We’re not just a place to shop; we’re a platform where advertisers can connect directly with customers. And brands know this - they’re keen to be part of it. But simply joining in isn’t enough. We all need to play smart for everyone to win.  

Get the Basics Right 

1. Remove the Ambiguity 

Right now, retail media is full of ambiguity. Every RMN has its own way of measuring success, leaving brands confused and struggling to compare results. We need to cut through this confusion and standardise metrics to offer clear, consistent, and curated insights that brands can trust. 

2. Navigate Media Fragmentation 

Then there’s media fragmentation. Audiences are all over the place; different platforms, different devices. It’s harder than ever to reach them consistently. But this is where RMNs shine. Our stores give us something other channels can’t: high, consistent, frequent reach. Millions of people walk through our doors every day. That’s a direct line to a brand’s audience, in real life, where it counts. 

3. Integrate Budgets 

And don’t forget about budgets. There’s a danger of treating RMNs as a standalone tactic, separate from the rest of your strategy. That’s a mistake. The smart move is to make retail media part of the bigger picture. RMNs need to make sure retail media fits seamlessly into brands’ overall strategy, so every pound works harder and delivers more. 


Make the Most of the Opportunity 

Now, let’s talk about how to win. 

1. Data-Led Decisions 

First-party data is our ownable asset, and it’s not our only data asset. We’re not guessing what people might want - we know what they’re buying, when, and how often, as individuals and groups. This isn’t just data; it’s insight. And it’s what makes RMNs so powerful. We can deliver 1-2-1 or 1-2-many messages that hit the mark every time because we’re not just broadcasting - we’re engaging, based on what people actually do. 

2. Consistent Reach Through Retail 

In a fragmented media world, our stores are an undervalued asset too. While other channels struggle to get consistent reach, we’ve got it every day. Our stores are packed with people, giving us a steady stream of customer interactions. This is where retail media excels - it doesn’t just reach people; it connects with them where they already are, ensuring your message gets seen regularly and in the right context. 

3. Omnichannel Marketing 

But the real magic happens when everything comes together - when online and offline are part of one seamless experience. This is where RMNs stand out. A customer sees an ad online, then gets a personalised offer in-store. That’s more than pushing adverts; it’s creating an experience, integrated into people’s lives. 

The Path Forward 

We’re in the middle of a retail media revolution. It’s not easy, but with the right playbook - standardised metrics, first-party data, cutting through fragmentation, and integrating budgets – the industry can turn these challenges into opportunities. 


Dean will be writing for MAD//Insight throughout the year.