Much is written about the retail media industry’s eye-watering growth, however, far fewer column inches are devoted to the amazing work coming out of the industry. MAD//Fest and SMG bring you Now That’s What I Call Retail Media 25—the ultimate rundown of the year’s biggest hits.

Much is written about the retail media industry’s eye-watering growth, however, far fewer column inches are devoted to the amazing work coming out of the industry.

That’s why MAD//Fest has teamed up with SMG to create Now That’s What I Call Retail Media 25, the ultimate compilation of the best of retail media over the past year.

Compiled by a panel of expert judges from across the retail media ecosystem, Now That’s What I Call Retail Media showcases the 25 best campaigns, innovations, and partnerships coming out of this fast-growing industry.

We shine a light on:

  1. Creative genius - take inspiration from the compelling creative campaigns that wowed shoppers over the past year
  2. Partnership pioneers - hear about the most important and effective tie-ups across the marketing ecosystem that have improved the reach and performance of retail media
  3. Omnichannel experts - find out how campaigns have seamlessly extended across multiple channels to deliver results
  4. Technology trailblazers - discover the emerging tech helping to propel retail media
  5. Global leaders - gain insight from the firms around the world doing amazing things in this space

Download Now That’s What I Call Retail Media today for a healthy dose of inspiration for your latest projects. Discover the art of the possible in this fast-growing media channel.

Now That’s What I Call Retail Media was unveiled at MAD//Up North late last month. Click here to watch an expert panel, including pladis Global Shopper Marketing Director Michele Dainty, Nectar360 Digital Media Director Alice Anson, SMG Chief Strategy Officer Katie Streeter Hurle, and Criteo Managing Director for Northern Europe Nicole Kivel delve into what sets the best campaigns and innovations apart.