In the latest episode of our MAD//Pod, Marketing Director at Auto Trader, talks about about how you reach new car-buying audiences and how Auto Trader is getting better at engaging women.

Speaking to Fresh Air's Director of Content, Michaela Hallam,  Laura McNally, Co-Marketing Director at Auto Trader, was keen to emphasise the brand’s focus on better engaging women in the automotive industry, an area where women have historically been underrepresented. She noted that women are key decision-makers in car purchases, yet traditional car advertising often overlooks their preferences. 

“Women are hugely influential in making big car-buying decisions… a man might go out and do all the research, but a woman holds so much weight in the final decision about what to go for.”

Therefore, Auto Trader has evolved its content to speak more directly to women’s practical needs and interests, rather than focusing on technical specs, which has been the norm in car marketing.

One of Auto Trader’s strategies to connect with this demographic involves bringing in presenters who resonate with female audiences, such as Alex Lagui. By incorporating her perspective, Auto Trader creates content that emphasizes the everyday relevance of cars in women’s lives, moving beyond typical industry jargon to make car buying feel more accessible and relatable.

“We wanted to bring in a presenter who was deliberately not journalistic by background… a female audience might not necessarily appreciate things like horsepower or naught-to-60 speeds in the same way.”

Additionally, Auto Trader’s podcast series, “Show on the Road,” furthers this inclusive approach by sharing personal stories that connect cars with life moments rather than solely discussing features or brand positioning. This storytelling approach appeals to a broader audience, especially women, by presenting cars as integral parts of life experiences. “There’s so much weight and power in the middle-aged woman, a really untapped audience and foolish to ignore. We’re working to ensure our content speaks directly to them.”

McNally’s insights reflect Auto Trader’s commitment to reshaping automotive marketing to be more inclusive and responsive to diverse consumer needs, particularly those of women.