In the latest MAD//Moments interview from this summer’s MAD//Fest, Kenyatte Nelson, Co-op talks about Co-op’s member-centricity and how to have courage in marketing.

Kennyatte Nelson, Chief Membership and Customer Officer at the Co-op Group, told MAD//Moments in this short interview the importance of boldness and member-centricity in Co-op’s marketing. He emphasised that Co-op’s strategy focuses on creating tangible, sustainable value for its members rather than merely chasing traditional business metrics. As a co-operative organization owned by its members, Co-op’s mission is to serve their needs directly, believing that business success will naturally follow if member value is prioritized.

Nelson reflected on the importance of transparency and speaking up when things aren’t right, even if it means halting a project or campaign that isn’t working, often thinking marketers often prioritise being right over doing what’s best for the organization. He therefore encourages his team to focus on impactful, meaningful actions rather than merely following through on plans that may not yield results.

Finally, Nelson underscores the value of bringing a personal perspective to the table. He suggests that the marketing industry would benefit if everyone contributed their unique viewpoint boldly. In his words, having a point of view—even if it's not the final direction—enriches the outcome and leads to better collective decisions, reflecting his advocacy for courageous and authentic participation in marketing.