The way different generations are consuming content on social media is ever-changing. In turn, our influencer marketing strategies should shift and evolve with these preferences, believes influencer marketing company, Captiv8.

For this reason, Captiv8 released a study that dives into the critical role creators play in fostering trust and driving purchase decisions across different generations: Gen-Z, Gen-X, Millennials, and Baby Boomers. 

Our Influencer Marketing Generational Trust & Analysis underscores this pivotal role, revealing how creators are not just influencers but essential drivers of consumer behavior. These are important data points that brand marketers should know to further understand generational nuances and how to speak to different audiences. 

Here’s what we learned. 

Gen-Z: The Era of Always-On Creators

For Gen-Z, born between 1997 and 2012, trust is built through consistent, ongoing engagement. Over 66% of Gen-Z make purchases directly through social platforms, with nearly half trusting influencer recommendations. Brands that maintain consistent creator partnerships through always-on campaigns can effectively engage this demographic, driving trust and product consideration.

Millennials: The Power of Authenticity and Transparency

Millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, value transparency and authenticity in marketing. More than 50% are skeptical of ads lacking clear information, while 43% make repeat purchases due to engaging video content. Brands must partner with creators to produce informative and authentic videos, ensuring Millennials have the information they need to make confident purchase decisions.

Gen-X: Affordability and Strategic Discounts

Gen-X, born between 1965 and 1980, prioritizes affordability and value. With 50% citing reasonable prices as crucial, this generation is less likely to make impulse buys and more likely to focus on the price. Brands can appeal to Gen-X by offering targeted discounts and A/B-tested affiliate strategies that emphasize value and affordability.

Baby Boomers: Clarity and Relevance

For Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, clear, transparent information is paramount. With 56% likely to trust ads that cater to their specific needs, campaigns targeting this demographic should focus on clear value propositions and transparency. Effective communication of savings and relevant benefits can build trust and drive conversions.

So what does this mean for your business? 

Understand the unique trust drivers for each generation. Leverage them to create personalized, effective campaigns that resonate and convert.

Creators are not just influencers but pivotal drivers of trust and purchase decisions across consumer generations. This understanding will allow you to harness the power of trusted creators, coupled with strategic insights, to reach and engage consumers in meaningful ways.

Consumer trust is everything. Creators emerge as the linchpin connecting brands to their audiences. Align with trusted voices and embrace the nuances of generational preferences.