10 questions with… James Thompson, Chief Brand + Beauty Officer, Avon
8 November 2019
1. Who inspires you?
My daughters – building their lives with talent, principles, hard work and fun.
2. What’s your proudest career moment?
Helping a team member turn their career around.
3. Have brands lost touch with people? Why?
Some brands. Because they overestimate their importance or underestimate their potential.
4. What’s your all time favourite ad campaign? Why?
Tango – madness that cut through.
5. What’s your biggest challenge right now?
Turning around a brand and business model people have forgotten
6. What’s your top trend for 2020. Why?
Kindness. There’s an obvious lack of it everywhere and – in veganism and planet care amongst other things – you can see a yearning for it. There is great opportunity for any business or organisation that facilitates kindness and self esteem in others.
7. AI and marketing: threat or opportunity?
Great for marketing; but more importantly a minefield for society more generally.
How do you like to spend your spare time?
In private!
What’s your favourite London restaurant?
Ken’s Café, Green Street E13 – used to be a mandatory greasy spoon before West Ham games during the optimistic part of the day!
What are you talking about at MAD//Fest?
See question 5!
James is speaking on the Engagement + Experience Stage at 1455 on 14 Nov. James will also be judging PITCH//IT – Avon’s £20k innovation pitch competition – on 13 Nov. Click here for the agenda.