Top trumps alert! What are the three cards you’ve played to help you get where you are in your career?

1. Acknowledging that you never know what is going on in someone else's world -  a reaction you see, may not actually be about you.

2. Community - On an individual and wider level, to know the importance and impact possible, on every level - it’s life changing.

3. The power of the word ‘and’ helps on the ‘mixed emotions' on decision making.

For me personally, knowing I could be both scared and still be brave to take the action, was a big moment.


Ballsiness, being the bossy boots, Machiavellian ruthlessness - why do many women feel that they need to act tough to succeed? What are the real hallmark signs of good female leaders?

Be authentic, be you and make this your mantra.

Surround yourself with brilliant people, take pride in creating a platform for them to shine, and see them build brilliant teams and communities, with a foundation of trust and honesty.

Champion real, honest downtime, because work can feel all consuming - the magic can also happen in the quiet spaces.


Who has inspired you in your career? Why?

 Every single parent and carer I see on the school run, often racing from a pickup or drop off.

Often taking work calls as soon as they are able to speak, or checking emails on the run.

THIS is resilience, a determination to stay in a world that is still catching up to work being accessible for all.


If you could wave your magic wand and right one wrong in the workplace, what would it be and what would you do?

 Have more role sharing and diverse CEOs. To SEE a place for inclusion, diversity, flexibility and collaboration at the most senior levels. The possibilities this could lead to?


The route to success is never smooth. What tips, professional, personal, and leftfield, would you give rising stars, if you were starting out today?

 Find your community, and if you can’t find one just right for you - start one.

And not just around work! Be with those who have your back and have the same values as you, who celebrate all of being human, who bring empathy, and fun, who inspire you, celebrate your wins and your ‘learnings’, and be that for them.


Claire Ferreira is the Founder and CMO of Mums in Marketing - - the only global community for mums who work in marketing and the creative industries, and an expert in building communities.