In today’s world, brands have the opportunity to create positive change while challenging the status quo in their industries. Here at TrueStart Coffee, we’ve done (and will continue to do) just that—disrupting the traditional coffee market by bringing a unique, fun, health-centric and ethical approach to an age-old industry dominated by global giants.

Disruption can be daunting, but it’s also incredibly rewarding, especially when you’re driven by a mission to make people feel happier & healthier whilst making a genuinely positive impact nationally & internationally. 

So, how do you disrupt your market and, more importantly, become a force for good? Let’s dive into the top tips we’ve learned from our journey so far at TrueStart.

1. Have a Strong, Authentic Mission

At TrueStart, our mission is clear: to spread massive, contagious positive energy through exceptional, healthy coffee. From day one, we’ve been passionate about making people feel amazing—whether it’s through people’s interaction with the brand at swims, donations to Magic Breakfast, investing in our coffee growing nations or simply the clean brew in your cup.

To truly disrupt your market, your mission needs to be more than just a tagline. It has to be something you deeply care about, something that resonates with people who have never heard of you. 

Authenticity is key here, when you are genuinely passionate about your mission, stakeholders & customers can feel it, and that’s what draws them in.

Takeaway: Identify what truly sets you apart. Double down on it, and never dilute your authenticity to appeal to broader markets. Staying true to your original idea will resonate with the right people.

2. Consistency is Crucial

Disruption isn’t a one-time effort—it’s a long game. At TrueStart, we’ve consistently communicated our core values and stuck to our brand promise over nine years. Whether it’s through our customer service or product quality, we’ve maintained a relentless focus on what we stand for. Today a lot of entrepreneurship is glamourised and it feels like there are tens of “overnight successes” when actually the brands that make a real difference take time & commitment to create.

There will be setbacks—COVID hit us hard, wiping out 95% of our revenue overnight. But with total commitment, we pivoted, turned our coffee shop into a warehouse, and became a top-selling brand on Amazon. It’s this passion and purpose that crafted our resilience during tough times, and knowing that we were making a genuine difference to people’s lives already.

In a market flooded with choices in a world that has more products than ever, trust is everything. Your audience needs to know what to expect from you every single time they interact with you. This builds credibility and a loyal following both online and in the real world, which is crucial when competing against bigger players with deep pockets.

Takeaway: Consistently deliver on your promise to your customers & stay true to your vision. Whether it’s the quality of your product, how you make people feel or your mission statement; don’t let that standard drop.

3. Create Community and Connection

One of the most powerful tools for disrupting an industry is building a community around your brand. 

From the beginning, TrueStart has been about more than just coffee, it’s about making people feel amazing and doing a bunch of community events. From swims to runs to cycling clubs we’ve built a loyal following, fostering genuine connections, and creating real experiences. It’s not just in our D2C world that we have done that either, our B2B customers get a lot of love through the events we put on with them. 

It sounds cheesy but people don’t just buy into your product; they buy into how you make them feel. One of my favourite quotes is from Maya Angelou and I can’t get enough of it, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Takeaway: Focus on building a community and making real connections with your customers. Genuine engagement creates brand advocates who will support you even against larger competitors.

4. Innovate with a Purpose

Disruption comes from doing things differently. We didn’t want TrueStart to be a copycat brand and coming from a background of sports & nutrition we were genuinely interested in exploring how we could make people feel. 

For example, last year we innovated our lab-tested & caffeine controlled instant coffee range further by creating the Lightly Caffeinated Instant Coffee, the first of its kind in the UK, this coffee is made up of half decaf & half caffeinated coffee. 

By questioning the norms - like the wild caffeine variability found in other coffees - we found our niche that our customers needed. Innovation doesn’t always have to mean high-tech; sometimes it’s about rethinking how things have always been done and finding a better way.

Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to question the norm. Real innovation comes from seeing things differently and solving problems in new ways.

5. Disrupt for a Better World

At TrueStart, disrupting the coffee market has always been about more than profits. We are a certified B Corp & Carbon Negative brand, and our mission is to improve society through better business, health, and knowledge. 

It’s the simple things like ensuring our farmers are paid fairly, or that our customers enjoy better-quality products at a better price. True disruption means building a business that not only thrives financially but also makes the world a better place, you can balance purpose with profit.

We often refer to the “Children's Fire” when making internal decisions, this essentially means we imagine that we’re sitting around the fire with our great-grandchildren and involve them in the conversation -  what would they want us to do? What would they say if they could? This future-focused thinking really stress-tests your mission and behaviour so you’ll always do the right thing.

Takeaway: Use your disruption as a force for good. Build a business that creates value not just for shareholders but for society as a whole.


Disrupting your market and being a force for good requires authenticity, consistency, total commitment, innovation, and community. 

It’s a long, often challenging journey, but one that’s incredibly rewarding. At TrueStart, we’ve proven that when passion meets purpose, boundaries can be shattered, and you can build a brand that makes the world a better place.

Remember Maya Angelou’s words; “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

By embracing these principles, you too can not only disrupt your market but create a positive impact that resonates far beyond your products.

Helena Hills, Co-Founder and CEO of TrueStart Coffee spoke on MAD//Fest's Female Leaders' Club Stage in July. Watch the full session below: